Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Steve Ladd to leave Gold City



Gold City and Steve Ladd have recently announced future plans for the group and Steve.  Steve will be leaving Gold City to become a worship pastor in the Gadston, AL area.  Steve has been with the group for 5 years.  I will be sad to see him go because I believe he is one of the best tenors in the industry right now.  I remember the days when he and Aaron McCune were with The Anchormen.  One of their songs would come on and I would be reaching for the skip button.  Steve has improved leaps and bounds over the last few years.    I wish him the best on his new endeavors. 


Gold City will be looking for a new tenor.  If you are interested in trying out for the position click here and follow the instructions on the page. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gaither Vocal Band only please

According to the website, the Gaither Vocal Band will be doing some special tour dates. On most occasions, a Homecoming Tour date includes many other artist including Signature Sound, Lynda Randal, and Janet Paschal. These select dates will feature just the Gaither Vocal Band. Currently four dates have been scheduled including Springfield, MO, Lincoln, NE, Dobuque, IA, and Johnson City, TN. More dates are to come.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jerry Kelso's Son Killed In A Tragic Accident

I just received word that Jerry Kelso’s 22 year old son Brandon was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident. The accident happened in KY where he had recently moved after someone pulled out in front of him. Road conditions were wet which probably contributed to the accident.

The funeral services will be held Tuesday in Asheville, NC where Brandon was raised. Please keep the Kelso family in your prayers. Send correspondence to:

Jerry Kelso
P.O. Box 763
Bladenboro, NC 28320