Friday, January 30, 2009

Gaither Vocal Band Reunion Vol 1 & 2 Review

I recently had the opurtunity to see the brand new Gaither Vocal Band Reunion DVDs. They don’t release in stores till Tuesday but I have a friend who ordered them from and he aleady has his.

I did not follow the GVB from the very beginning, partially because I was too young. The first GVB CD that I remember getting was Southern Classics 1 and 2. Southern Classics 1 had Terry Franklin, Mike English, Mark Lowry, Bill Gaither, and Guy Penrod. Southern Classics 2 had Guy Penrod, Mark Lowry, Bill Gaither, and Jonathan Pierce. I can say that wore those two out.

When you put in the first DVD and push play it starts out with a brief history of the group and has various pictures from different eras of the vocal band. Once the video actually starts the studio is the same as some of the first Homecoming videos. Different pictures of different vocal bands and albums line the walls. All the former members were in attendance with the exception of Jonathan Pierce and Terry Franklin. The long and short of it are the videos are very good and gives some little known history about the Vocal Band that you might not know otherwise. Classic vocal bands are reunited as well as new interesting ones. The new interesting ones are probably the highlight of the video as well as some of the stories and testimonies given by these guys. Some arrangements sound like they come straight from the 80s and some songs get a new coat of paint.

Just because I don’t want to give a blow by blow of the video and ruin things here is a song list that you can expect when you watch the video. I definitely encourage you go buy the videos and experience them first hand.

Volume 1:
  • He Came Down to My Level (old group)
  • Beginning of the Gaither Vocal Band told by Bill Gaither
  • First Day in Heaven
  • Interview with Jim Murray
  • New Wine (same song that Greater Vision did)
  • John Mohr Interview
  • Rumor Mill
  • Larnelle Harris interview
  • Can’t Stop Talking About Him (old arrangement)
  • Gary McSpadden interview
  • Tribute to the Imperials
  • A Few Good Men
  • Buddy Mullins interview
  • Born again
  • Mike English interview
  • Satisfied
  • More Mike English Interview
  • I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy
  • He Touched Me
  • David Phelps story about Russ Taff
  • Heatbreak Ridge and New Hope Road
  • Guy Penrod interview
  • Knowing You’ll Be There
  • Gary Mcspaden talking about his mom
  • Home Where I Belong
  • Steve Green talks about the naming of the Gaither Vocal Band
  • Steve Green interview
  • The Name of Jesus
  • There is a River
  • Gentle Shepherd
  • David Phelps Interview
  • Let Freedom Ring
  • Loving God Loving Each Other
  • Credits – A Few Good Men plays while LP covers scroll
  • Bonus Daystar


  • Passin The Faith Along
  • Temporary Home
  • Lee Young Interview
  • Dream On (the same one Signature Sound just did)
  • I’ll Meet You in the Morning
  • The Really Big News
  • Interview with Michael English
  • Home
  • Interview with Guy Penrod
  • Build an Ark
  • Interview with David Phelps
  • O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
  • Interview with Steve Green
  • When the Rains Come
  • Interview with David
  • The Love of God
  • John Mohr Interview
  • A New Point of View
  • Give Up
  • Marshall Hall Interview
  • When I Cry
  • Gloria Gaither introduction of I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
  • I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
  • Introduction of Find us Faithful w Steve Green and John Mohr
  • Find us Faithful
  • I’m Free
  • Guy Penrod Interview
  • Make it Real
  • Mary Did You Know
  • Oh What a Time
  • Bonus material: I Believe Now Help Thou My Unbelief

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A friend of mine recently directed me to yet another social networking site, SoGospelCity.  One of the first ones that I was aware of was MySpace.  In the beginning, what was probably a good thing has become more and more raunchy.  Soon after that I was made aware of Facebook, a networking site formed only for college students.  When I first joined, it was required to have a .edu web address, which meant you were either a college student or professor.  Eventually that loosened up and anyone is allowed to join now. 


The same ideas have come into Christian circles.  In an effort to come up with clean wholesome networking, ShoutLife was formed by Paul McLellan.  The same is happening in the southern gospel world.  Recently, Charles Brady has started  It is a social networking site devoted to fans, singers, and promoters of southern gospel music.  I have just signed up under and already have several friends.  So join me and become a member of the site.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

George Beverly Shea to turn 100 years old

On February 1, 2009, gospel music legend of the Billy Grahm Crusades, will be turning 100 years old. After 70 albums and 10 Grammy nominations Shea is still singing. Many might remember two of his more popular signature songs, I'd Rather Have Jesus and The Wonder of it All.

In honr of Shea, Dr Paul Davis has writen a biography, George Beverly Shea: Tell Me the Story, that is being published by Ambassador International. The book is to release in the Spring of 2009. To find out more information on the book, pre-order the book, and leave Shea a birthday wish, go to

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Southern Gospel for the Next Generation

The following article was written by my friend, co-founder of, and local representative for JOY FM Lynchburg, VA, Mike Cook

Southern Gospel for the Next Generation

By Mike Cook – Joy FM - Central VA

If you go to a typical Southern Gospel concert, you will notice that most of the audience is from a generation that was born in 1945 or earlier. It appears that some of the most recent marketing of Southern Gospel is targeted to the next generation called Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1964) with artists like Russ Taff, The Gaither Vocal Band and The Booth Brothers performing songs from the 1970’s.

In order to preserve the heritage of Southern Gospel we must promote it to a new generation in new ways. Gone are the days when an artist can rely only on Radio, Television, and print to promote concerts and album releases. Generation X (born 1965 – 1976) and The Millennial Generation or Generation Y (born 1977 – 1998) will require a different approach when marketing to them. Here are some New Media outlets that artists and promoters can use to connect with X and Y.

A Web Site
Statistics are showing that most of generation Y and some of Generation X are spending more time each week surfing the web than watching television. It’s no wonder that most every ad you see on TV or in print includes a web address. It’s not enough to just put some information out there like a billboard, it must be done well and change often to keep users coming back. Some young artists like Crabb Revival, Valor, and The Lefevre Quartet have their music begin playing as soon as the web site opens up. The online store should also accept some form of credit card. Pay-Pal is a very secure way to accept payment and no credit card information is exchanged, just email addresses. A lot of the Talent Agency web sites provide high quality photos, biographies, and concert posters available for downloading to local promoters that are bringing the artists into their area.

Social network Web Sites
Social Network sites are very popular among X and Y. and offer users an opportunity to connect with each other through chats and message boards. Young artists like The Imperials and Driven Quartet have My Space pages that link to their web site.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing is a great way for Talent Agencies and artists to stay in touch with fans. I receive an Email once a month from Greater Vision that is created through a service called Constant Contact. It has templates that can be customized with photos and logos. The service also allows users to put a sign up box on their web site where fans can sign up for their monthly newsletter.

MP 3’s
Just when we were getting comfortable with the compact disc instead of cassettes, along comes the new format of MP 3’s. Apple brought us the iPod MP3 player and iTunes software for the computer that allows users to convert their CD’s to MP3 format and load them on the iPod for listening. The iTunes store provides an opportunity to preview the albums before buying. You can also choose to buy one song instead of the whole album. There is a universal database at that has artwork, album and track names for most every kind of music available. This is where we need some work in the Southern Gospel area. Not all Southern Gospel albums are recognized by this database. Artists and record companies should submit this information to the database and make the albums available on iTunes the same day that the CD is released in stores. This will increase album sales and provide more recognition for the artists among younger users.

A Podcast is an online radio show available on web sites and through iTunes. Daniel Britt of XM Radio and Joy FM in Winston Salem, North Carolina hosts a podcast with artist interviews. Mark Lowry and Mark Bishop also have podcasts available.

Ever since the early 90’s when Bill Gaither released the Homecoming series, Video has played an important part in the spread of Southern Gospel. Now You Tube is available to allow users to search and view videos on the web. Artists can take clips of concerts and submit them to You Tube and then link them back to their web sites for viewing. Jason Crabb features several You Tube clips on his web site.

Great legends of Southern Gospel like The Statesmen and The Imperials were known for thinking outside the box for ways to promote their music. We have the torch now and must continue to look for new ways to promote the world’s greatest music to future generations.


Friday, January 23, 2009

New Gaither Vocal Band Pics

Here are some pics that were posted at of the GVB practice w David Phelps, Michael English, Mark Lowry, Wes Hampton, and Bill Gaither.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Concert Review: Russ Taff to benefit God's Pit Crew

Sunday night I made the trip all the way down to Danville, VA.  For me that is about an hour and a half drive one way.  The concert was Russ Taff to benefit God’s Pit Crew.  God’s Pit Crew is a really neat ministry.  They deliver relief help all over the United States to people who have experienced a natural disaster.  They also help in the building of houses and churches that have been devastated from natural disasters.  The last project that they completed was building and totally furnishing a house in Mississippi in 10 days.  In a couple weeks, they will be headed to Texas to rebuild a church building.  This church was being really effective in the community and needs to get up and going again as soon as possible.


The night started out with music from the churches musicians.  It was very good quality.  They did everything from choir numbers to a quartet doing Gold City’s I Think I’ll Read It Again.  One of the highlights of the night was a group of 2 girls called The Church Sisters from Ringgold, VA.  They didn’t say how old they were but my guess would be 8 and 11.  They were very good and sang more bluegrass style.  I think they have a bright future ahead of them if they keep working.  Their harmony was practically perfect.  Be looking later because I will probably be reviewing their CD.


The feature of the night was Russ Taff.  He did mostly classics and standards from his long history of hits from his solo career as well as his time with the Imperials.  If you go to his website you can find a list of records and awards he has earned over the years.  His song list included: Heartbreak ridge, Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me, Trumpet of Jesus, Praise the Lord, Somebodys comin, and Bethlehem.  Another highlight of the evening came with the second to last song.  The quartet got back up and sang I Believe in a Hill Called Mt. Calvary w Russ.  Russ sang the first verse and the groups tenor took Guy Penrod’s normal part.  The night closed out Russ singing Aint No Grave.  You would have never been able to tell he wasn’t feeling well with all that movin that was going on, or as we Baptist like to call it … foot fellowship.


Go on over to the site and you can see a few pictures from the night.  

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pre-runner to the New Gaither Vocal Band

A lot of people are wondering what the new Gaither Vocal Band's future will hold and what they will sound like.  Most groups are blessed enough to have maybe one or two super voices come through thier ministry but the Gaither Vocal Band has had one after another.  

I know the below clip wont sound exactly like the new vocal band, but this has got to be pretty close.  This has been one of my favorite Gaither clips for a long time and is nice to get a group similar to this one to materialize.  I believe this is truly going to be a supergroup.

Daniel Britt & JoyFM Gaither Exclusive

Daniel Britt, of the Morning Joy Ride, got an exclusive interview with Bill Gaither himself.  In the interview, he talks about the future of the Gaither Vocal Band as well as those who are taking other paths that will lead them away from the vocal band.  You can listen to the 18 minute clip here.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gaither Vocal Band Anounces New Lineup has announced effective immediately there will be a new Vocal Band Lineup. Guy Penrod will be leaving to pursue a solo career. Marshall Hall will also be leaving but no news on what future plans are. The new Vocal Band will be comprised of Bill Gaither, Wes Hampton, Mark Lowry, Mike English, and David Phelps. The word supergroup is used a lot to talk about many groups but I think this is truly a super group of GVB all stars. We will look for great things from this group of guys. For more information go here.