When you put in the first DVD and push play it starts out with a brief history of the group and has various pictures from different eras of the vocal band. Once the video actually starts the studio is the same as some of the first Homecoming videos. Different pictures of different vocal bands and albums line the walls. All the former members were in attendance with the exception of Jonathan Pierce and Terry Franklin. The long and short of it are the videos are very good and gives some little known history about the Vocal Band that you might not know otherwise. Classic vocal bands are reunited as well as new interesting ones. The new interesting ones are probably the highlight of the video as well as some of the stories and testimonies given by these guys. Some arrangements sound like they come straight from the 80s and some songs get a new coat of paint.
- He Came Down to My Level (old group)
- Beginning of the Gaither Vocal Band told by Bill Gaither
- First Day in Heaven
- Interview with Jim Murray
- New Wine (same song that Greater Vision did)
- John Mohr Interview
- Rumor Mill
- Larnelle Harris interview
- Can’t Stop Talking About Him (old arrangement)
- Gary McSpadden interview
- Tribute to the Imperials
- A Few Good Men
- Buddy Mullins interview
- Born again
- Mike English interview
- Satisfied
- More Mike English Interview
- I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy
- He Touched Me
- David Phelps story about Russ Taff
- Heatbreak Ridge and New Hope Road
- Guy Penrod interview
- Knowing You’ll Be There
- Gary Mcspaden talking about his mom
- Home Where I Belong
- Steve Green talks about the naming of the Gaither Vocal Band
- Steve Green interview
- The Name of Jesus
- There is a River
- Gentle Shepherd
- David Phelps Interview
- Let Freedom Ring
- Loving God Loving Each Other
- Credits – A Few Good Men plays while LP covers scroll
- Bonus Daystar
- Passin The Faith Along
- Temporary Home
- Lee Young Interview
- Dream On (the same one Signature Sound just did)
- I’ll Meet You in the Morning
- The Really Big News
- Interview with Michael English
- Home
- Interview with Guy Penrod
- Build an Ark
- Interview with David Phelps
- O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
- Interview with Steve Green
- When the Rains Come
- Interview with David
- The Love of God
- John Mohr Interview
- A New Point of View
- Give Up
- Marshall Hall Interview
- When I Cry
- Gloria Gaither introduction of I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
- I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
- Introduction of Find us Faithful w Steve Green and John Mohr
- Find us Faithful
- I’m Free
- Guy Penrod Interview
- Make it Real
- Mary Did You Know
- Oh What a Time
- Bonus material: I Believe Now Help Thou My Unbelief
A third member that wasn't in attendance was Lemuel Miller. He sang with the group but never recorded with them.
Looks awesome, very gaitherific.
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